Merry Christmas 2008
(Santa’s presents set up in the fireplace as if he shot it down our chimney… yeah right, how imaginative mum… And notice the unsightly Christmas tree which got mangled by our 5 year old boy… The decoration swapped around, the bead strings yanked… It used to have 10 beautifully iced heart-shaped ginger cookies, of which there is now 1 left… Sigh, how I wish for my beautiful Christmas…!!)
Merry Christmas everybody!!!!!!
Are you having a good time? Or if you’re reading this post-Christmas, did you have a good time? What did you get up to? Enjoying the holidays?
Here I am, writing this at 5am, after getting up from bed to set up Santa’s Christmas presents for the children to find when they wake up. I’m still stuffed from last night’s party food. I also ate too much of the truly wicked Sticky Toffee Pudding that our neighbour brought around. It was sooo delicious, I had seconds & thirds. As the proof, my body weighs heavier I’m sure of it… They do say “a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips”… but I don’t have the ears to listen to that.
Mind you, the good thing that came from this belt-loosening experience is that I have found the next item that I would want to sell at the market. Yes! Sticky Toffee Pudding! Yum! I’ve already got the recipe from our neighbour. It’s a recipe by Simon Hopkinson, the acclaimed head chef of Bibendum in London. I’m gonna try it out, maybe change it here or there, & look in to how it is shaped, ie: is it baked individually in a pot? or shall I slice portions from a big cake, & so on.
Anyway, right, off to bed again now!
I’ll write about how my last two markets went next time alright?
Sweet dreams…
t xxx
Hi! I hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas. Did Issei and Sakura chan love their pressies from Santa? I just spent my first Christmas with my husband! hehe. Married life is great so far! Anyway, I wish you and your family all the best for the new year. I will send you some pics of our wedding soon. Love Akiko
Comment by Akiko - December 27, 2008 7:49 am
hi mrs. aki-chan! The santa claus that comes to ours likes educational games it seems! ;-)
The pictures of your wedding – sigh, you look like a porcelain doll! Sooo beautiful…
Comment by tamami - December 28, 2008 12:30 pm
Happy belated Christmas! Hope your last two market days went as well as they did last year (minus some of the stress!) and that you’re now enjoying a well-earned rest. xx
Comment by Rachel - December 28, 2008 7:23 pm
Merry Christmas to you too Rachel! Actually, my body took the ‘rest’ idea to the extreme & made me stay in bed with a rotten flu for the last two days… Hope you had a good xmas! xx
Comment by tamami - December 28, 2008 9:46 pm
Merry Christmas and have a Great New Year !
Barny and Family x
Comment by barny - December 29, 2008 9:27 pm
You poor thing! I hope you’re feeling better now. xx
Comment by Rachel - December 29, 2008 10:59 pm
Hey Barney! Cheers! Have a Great New Year to you too!!!!! xx
And Rachel, thanks darlin’. I’ve pretty much recovered now, but D is starting to come down with a cold himself now! I think I’ve passed it on to him… The new year’s eve is looking dismally boring…
Comment by tamami - December 30, 2008 12:20 am
Ah, I hear you about gaining a few extra pounds. I was all gung ho about my running routine and then Thanksgiving came around and ruined everything. Now it’s Christmas and I can’t keep my hands off peppermint bark!
Comment by MC - December 30, 2008 2:27 am
Hi MC! Well done for the running routine! I’m the type that never does activities such as that so. I’m sure you’ll get back to your running routine post-new years celebration & get all trim! Happy new year!
Comment by tamami - December 31, 2008 1:20 pm