I’ll be back next week!!!
I’m going to restart trading at the market from next Saturday! (20th) Yay! It’s enough with the maternity break. Time to venture out of the coochi-coochi-koo-land & get active, pull my sleeves up, earn some dough. I tell ya, I’m sooo excited & sooo happy about restarting that I’ve got that wonderful “nervous but also giddy” feeling that is similar to when I started the market the first time round.
I’m revved up & I’ll be armed with lots of chocolates & cakes. There’ll be the “usual suspects” (like the Flourless chocolate cake) & also one or two new products for the line-up that I am “hoping” to make (like the Caramelized dried fruits & nuts tart which I’m pondering on calling it “Winter fruit tart”, & the lemon drizzle cake that will be sold as slices).
So if you’re around in London next Saturday, fancy popping over??
Love t xx
Welcome back! Enough of the nappies and rattles, eh? hehe I hope the new addition to the family is healthy and happy :)
Comment by Amanda - September 14, 2008 1:18 am
indeed! I was starting to get cabin-fever!! I can’t wait to do my own thing, meet people.
Yes, our new babe is doing great, started eating solid foods since last week! cheers!
Comment by Tamami - September 14, 2008 8:38 am
yeah! I’ll make sure to drop by next time I’m in London.
Comment by fanny - September 14, 2008 9:47 am
I’d love to meet you one day Fanny.I bet ya,we’ll have so much to talk about! cakes cakes cakes ofcourse! ;-)
Comment by Tamami - September 14, 2008 6:36 pm
Hey Tamami chan!
How are Issei and little Sakura chan??
Great news about you returning to the market much earlier than planned! I’m sure these past few months have given you time to conjure up some new recipes which you can’t wait to show off to your loyal customers. Looking forward to hearing all about them soon with pictures :)
Not long till my wedding now. . Wish you could be here.
Comment by Akiko - September 15, 2008 3:07 am
Tamami! =)
I had a little feeling you’d be back soon, so I’ve been checking your blog every couple of days lately! How about that, I must be psychic (ish). Or maybe just in tune with you hahaha.
Nice to hear you’re well and raring to go. Will try to drop by one of these days, before it gets too cold to be pleasant!
x x x
Comment by Jan - September 15, 2008 5:13 pm
Hello Akiko chan!!!!!
yeah, they’re all doing great – they are both very active, makes me tired like hell, but in the end it’s worth it right? when you see them smile and that.
I can’t believe I’m missing your wedding… You’ve gotta send me lots n’ lots of piccies okay? I mean it… Wish I was there.
t xxx
Comment by tamami - September 15, 2008 6:58 pm
Hello Jan!
it’s soooo heart warming to hear that you’ve been checking this blog out like that!! thank you darling…! It’s people like you that make working at the market & writing this blog such a special thing for me. – Hope to see you down at the market – even if it gets too cold Jan! I’m pondering on start selling hot chocolate drink, so maybe that might entice you out?? Imagine… focus all your thoughts… thick hot chocolate made from a bar rather than the usual powder, drank on crisp winter day… ! Not so bad huh? ;-)
Comment by tamami - September 15, 2008 7:57 pm
I’m so pleased to hear you’ll be back at the market… but so sad that I won’t be able to drop by your stall! :'( (I moved back to the States a few weeks ago.) But next time I’m in London (hopefully next spring) I’ll be sure to come visit – and in the meantime I’ll look forward to your blog entries. xx
Comment by Rachel - September 15, 2008 10:32 pm
Mornin’ Rachel,
O.M.G. You’re in the States now??!! That’s a shocker… Did you find a job there then? – Well good luck there, & do hop by to the market when you’re back in Ldn. xx
Comment by Tamami - September 16, 2008 8:42 am
tamami san
Comment by saori - July 7, 2010 11:48 am
ç 美
Comment by tamami - July 7, 2010 1:14 pm