Rain, rain, go away, come again another day.
Last Saturday at the market was one of those days when you curse The Great British Weather (anagram= harsh bitter wet heritage) & question why-oh-why we put up with bad weather over here. Throughout the day, it was pretty much raining cats & dogs, the subject of conversation always about how rainy & ‘orrible it is. You can imagine the sales wasn’t great either for any of us – there just wasn’t that many people out there – & to be fair, spending time at an outdoor market in heavy rain wouldn’t be my first choice destination either, if I had the choice that is.
What’s worse was when the gusty wind kicked off from lunchtime onwards – and together with the merciless downpour, you can just imagine how miserable it was to stand out there.
My neighbouring stall had a hole in his plastic sheeting that is used for the roof, & despite it being mended by the market boys with some gaffa tape, rain droplets were still seeping from it. And then he had a customer leaning right in to the stall with her umbrella dripping rain water on to the food, possibly sogging it! (I was watching this thinking why does the lady not realize? or maybe she doesn’t care?!) – If it was my stall she did this to, I’d be pointing that out to her pronto. And oh, that plastic sheeting… – it sags & collects the rain water. When the strong wind blows, the big pool of collected water gets swept & deposits on the unsuspecting passersbys, drenching them. You hear shuddering screams throughout the day – poor people… I try to poke the sagged bit of roofing with my cake cooking rack to deposit as much water from it, so at least from my section of the market they are safe.
Despite this awful weather, a pretty blog reader came-by at the end of the day. It was such a nice surprise! She came from out of London! Thank you! – Funny thing is, I had also received a visit from another pretty blog reader just last week too! Very rare that I get bloggy visits two weeks in a row. It was very nice to meet both of you, it’s great to see who reads my stuff!
The left-overs from the market were served the following day to the guests at my son’s 4th birthday party, so rest-assured, none of it was left at the end!
So, two more Saturdays til Xmas! I’m now taking PRE-ORDERS for cakes & chocolates, & will be making & baking super-woman-stylee.. If it’s anything like last year, I’ll be baking several dozens of ‘Flour-less Chocolate Cakes’ & putting together many boxes of chocolate truffles.
Please Note:
the market is not in operation on 29th. (22nd will be my last work day of the year!)
Uggggghhhhhhhhh, it was horrible, wasn’t it? I don’t envy you being out in the rain all day… :P But here’s hoping for better weather the next two Saturdays, especially the 22nd when you’ll be getting another blog-reader visit. I’ll be doing my own Christmas baking that weekend and I’ll need one of your creations to stave off my urge to do, well, a little too much quality control of my own efforts… ;)
Comment by Rachel - December 11, 2007 10:29 pm
Hi Rachel. The weather this coming Saturday looks promising, so I’m looking forward to that. And I’ll look forward to seeing you on the 22nd!
Comment by tamami - December 11, 2007 10:39 pm
*wonders if you were referring to her!*
Hello! I just wanted to tell you that my entire flat really enjoyed the raspberry tart and lemon curd tart. Delicious (I’m partial to raspberries so that was my favourite). Hopefully I won’t get lost this coming Saturday and pay you another visit (and get some more treats since it’s your last week of the year!).
Comment by Charmaine - December 12, 2007 4:09 pm
Hello Charmaine! Thank you ;-) :-) for coming by last week. I’m so happy you enjoyed those tarts. Now that you’ve been here at the market once, I’m sure you won’t get lost this time! And I think the weather is going to be good, so I’m sure you’ll enjoy the market better this time round. Looking forward to seeing you this coming Sat! t xx
Comment by tamami - December 12, 2007 10:38 pm
I don’t mind going out in the aweful weather if I would be able to enjoy your delicious cakes (my dream !!). We have been still enjoying t-shirt weather down here in Miyako.
Comment by toyomi - December 13, 2007 3:29 am
Hell0-o, Toyomi-san.
T-shirt weather??!! Jeez, I wanna get transported to Miyako-jima even more than ever before now!±
– Our new house is cold cold cold with draft, even with full-blast heating…
Comment by tamami - December 14, 2007 1:13 pm