September 1st, 2007

Quick message

Hi… Just a quickie to say that I won’t be doing the market this week & the next because of the house-move.


Also, I won’t be posting much on this blog & reply to your comments/ emails for a wee while, atleast until the internet connection gets sorted at the new house. But then again…, I can imagine myself going to those WiFi cafés to fuel my ‘blog-fix’, so guys, don’t be too surprised to see another blog-entry here in a much nearer future actually…!


  1. good luck with the move, hopefully we can meet up when you’re settled! Is “I” still going to be doing afternoons as B is doing mornings from 25 Sept. C x

    Comment by Claire - September 2, 2007 11:20 am

  2. Hey Claire!! cheers! You’ve gotta come around soon as! Alright? Kiddo is doing afternoons again so maybe you can come around before the 25th?? Lets talk!

    Comment by tamami - September 2, 2007 5:02 pm

  3. hey tamami good luck with move,

    we move in about three weeks, just as you are recovering. hope it goes smoothly


    Comment by nikki - September 2, 2007 5:31 pm

  4. Hey Nikki! Good luck with your move too!! Hope to c u soon and have a good catch up! t xx

    Comment by tamami - September 2, 2007 9:50 pm

  5. Hi Tamami,

    We just moved too (both house AND studio, ended up staying in London). Who knows when we’ll finish unpacking! Good luck!

    Comment by Jacques - September 4, 2007 12:11 am

  6. Your blog is amazing!
    Good luck with the move ;)

    Comment by Agnès - September 4, 2007 9:47 am

  7. Tamami,
    Best wishes for your new home.
    I’d bring over some bread, salt and herbs if we were neighbors. My husband always bakes cookies for the new neighbors on our street as well.
    Good luck moving.

    Comment by Gabi - September 9, 2007 2:18 pm

  8. Jacques, cheers! Funny how we moved around the same time. And about the unpacking… jeez, it’s taking ages our end… in our case, we’ve gotta buy wardrobes first, & it’s hard to come by a nice one. We want to buy ‘quality’ furniture that we’d be happy to live with… Anyway, good luck with your unpacking too ;-)
    Agnès, that’s very kind of you!! I’m hoping to post more on this blog very soon, so I hope to hear from you again!
    And dear Gabi, thanks. And what a lovely husband you have!!!!!!! If only my other-half was as considerate & handy with baking as yours… !

    Comment by tamami - September 13, 2007 5:26 pm


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