Wedding cake update
(Picture supplied by the happy couple, beautifully presented to me in a picture frame!)
This week I was given some photographs of the wedding cake I made several weeks ago, together with a very touching thank you card. So here’s one of the pic minus their faces. Notice the cute fimo figures on the top? The clever groom made it himself!! Everyone, one two three, ‘Ahhh…’! I’m so happy it travelled well all the way to Wales, & that the tiers withstood being stacked up during their wedding day. It doesn’t look like the leaning Tower of Pisa like I nightmared about atall! Yay!
Last Saturday at the market
… was H.O.T. And I find it’s extra hot under the plastic tarpaulin which covers our stall roofs. I was ‘baking’!
The line up of the things I make has changed a bit because of the weather change too. The handmade chocolates have long gone from the line-up for the mo, what with chocolate starting to melt from something like 19-20 degrees apparently, I’ll probably start making them again in mid-Autumn.
Others missing from the table are lemon-cream tarts, & chocolate cream/ ganache tarts, & so, to be honest, right now my stall table is looking rather ‘brown’ (except for the bright colours of the fruit tarts), just full of ‘100% baked’ goods. A ‘baking’ lady selling baked cakes… yup, that’s me for the Summer…
PS: by the way, have you tried the new ice cream from Magnum called ‘Equador Dark‘ yet? Next time you’re choosing ice cream at the newsagents, believe me, give it a go. I can promise you it’s rather delish. (I was looking at the Magnum website, & they also have a single origin ice cream called ‘Colombia Aroma’ – has anyone tried this? Sounds good…!)
Wow~~What a beautiful wedding cake!
I wish i’d have such a wonderful cake on my wedding.A girl will get a happy life after a happy wedding.
Comment by wow powerleveling - June 9, 2007 3:36 am
Thank you!!!
Comment by tamami - June 9, 2007 10:14 pm
whoa. such a pretty cake.
Comment by Karen - August 23, 2007 8:41 am
Thanks Karen!
Comment by tamami - August 23, 2007 9:45 am
I love the yellow color of the wedding cake. It is so…..pretty. Very nice>
Comment by melting chocolate - November 13, 2009 9:20 pm
Thank you Melting Chocolate!
Comment by tamami - November 14, 2009 1:04 am