April 17th, 2007

An article about me on UK JACK!

Coco&Me article clipping from UK JACK newspaper


On Wednesday last week, a Japanese Newspaper called UK JACK (a weekly publication circulating mainly in London) had published a small article about me! Click this link to see the jpeg in full size.

Many thanks to Naoko-san, Kunichika-san, & Chie-san for making this happen.


So for this week’s blog entry, I’ve translated the article in to English:


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What prompted you to come to the UK?

I came to this country when I was 6 due to my father’s work. At first it was only meant to be for 3 years. But have now approached the 25th year!


What is your activity here?

After graduating with a Graphic Design degree from St. Martins, I worked as a Designer for 6 years. Upon becoming pregnant, I had a lot of time to spend at home, which was when I realized my passion for making desserts. This passion saw me through a hobby to now regularly selling them!


What is your motto?

“To live each & everyday to the full”. Even when I’m feeling tired, or feeling down, I try to turn thoughts in to action.

What do you love & hate about yourself?

I like the part of me which obsessingly pursues what ever it is I’m ‘in’ to. But hate the part of me that is easily flustered & is stubborn/ obstinate.


What do you love & hate about the UK?

It’s very easy going here. I like that. But I dislike that there is a big gap when it comes to the quality of state schools available, & well-to-do families with more money to spend (ie: to afford to live in a good school catchment area) get better education for their children.

What surprised you in UK?

Rice pudding.


What three words describe London?

Relaxed, bad-transport & dirty…

Which tourist destination did you like?

A small town called Padstow in Cornwall, & it’s surrounding areas. It’s quiet & peacefully still as if time had stopped.


When you want something delicious in UK…

I buy fresh & yummy ingredients at Broadway Market & cook at home!


What did you think was ‘good/ inspirational’ recently?

Louis Hamilton of F1. His eyes remind me that of my son’s. I wish for my son to be able to have a big dream, have the strength to pursue it & ‘get it’, just like Hamilton did.


Anything made you angry recently?

I don’t get angry much.

Who do you respect?

The Head Pastry Chef at the Waldorf. He gave me the astonishing opportunity to work in a five-star hotel kitchen – despite the fact I had no professional patiserrie experience what-so-ever! People like him who give chances to others selflessly is inspiring.


What do you treasure?

A little embarassing to say, but it’s the love of my family…!


What do you miss from Japan?

Every Japanese people I know says MOS BURGER is really good, so I’d LOVE to eat it one day!!


What would you like to take back to Japan?

I’d like to introduce my friends in Japan to Porridge. It’s delicious with honey…


What would you like to do next?

I’d love to turn my recipes & stories I write in my blog in to a book. I might even want to write a fictional novel… And when I have more time, develop the Coco&Me brand!


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  1. Congratulations on being featured as a local UK personality! I’ve only recently discovered your blog, and I love it. I love the idea of market stall selling and genuinely impressed with your doing so. I visit London often and hope to pop around to your stall some day. :)

    Comment by poppy - April 20, 2007 6:58 am

  2. Hello Poppy! Thanks for visiting my blog! Yes, please come by the stall if you’re ever in Ldn!

    Comment by Tamami - April 20, 2007 1:04 pm

  3. Hey – Like the articule! B-)

    Comment by Barny - April 20, 2007 5:42 pm

  4. Thanks Barny!

    Comment by tamami - April 20, 2007 11:36 pm

  5. Wow! This article is sooo cool! Congratulations!! So- very proud of you.
    I didn’t know you had a dream of writing fictional novels! I love it how I get to discover new things about you each time I read your blog. :)

    Comment by Akiko - April 23, 2007 4:18 am

  6. Hey Aki chan! Thanx!
    Yes, I tried once to write an adventure story, but got stuck in a rut after the 3rd chapter, & so binned it.
    It was about a boy who lives on a cloud… (I know…, a bit bizarre) – the idea was that right at the end of the story, the reader discovers that the boy they had been reading about was actually a water molecule (?) going through the ‘water cycle’, ie, raining down to the ground, & then evaporating up to the clouds again kinda thing…

    Comment by tamami - April 23, 2007 1:28 pm

  7. Hi

    Great book. I just want to say what a fantastic thing you are doing! Good luck!


    Comment by tovorinok - July 5, 2007 3:00 am

  8. Hi Tovorinok, thanx!!

    Comment by tamami - July 5, 2007 8:50 am

  9. Dear Tamami! I would so, so very much like to include you in my next big project on markets that I am working on at London College of Fashion (I am doing a BA Fashion Journalism degree there) .. but I cannot seem to find your e-mail anywhere on the site. Would you be as kind as to tell me where I could write you to?
    Or you got mine, I guess. And hope.
    Thanks a million times, former UAL student. :D And the best of luck with all that yummy chocolate.

    Comment by Anzej - October 10, 2009 11:20 pm

  10. Hi Anzej!!!! I’ll write you an email in a moment!

    Comment by tamami - October 11, 2009 1:15 pm

  11. Thank you for sharing ,
    I really liked you motto because it actually mines too:
    “To live each & everyday to the full”. Even when I’m feeling tired, or feeling down, I try to turn thoughts in to action.

    Comment by losangeles estimates Amy - August 28, 2011 12:17 pm

  12. Amy, thank you…!! You’ve actually reminded me of that motto in a time I needed to… x

    Comment by Tamami - August 28, 2011 2:42 pm


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