December 16th, 2006

Hello from Hamburg!

Quick message from Germany! How are you all doing? I’ve spent all today wondering about the market… How was the weather in London this Saturday?? I wonder if it rained like here in Hamburg…


Holiday: pretty cool – mostly been seeing friends & family & going shopping in amazing shops like Manufactum where they sell seriously the ‘best’ quality household goods they picked from around the world – There I bought a selection of Bonnat Chocolate Bars which seem much cheaper than in UK (Bonnat’s one of the best makers around), the most beautiful French Coffee Bowls (now I can drink coffee like those French films!), a can opener that cost me twenty pounds (it better be good!), an aluminium ice cube tray (which D insisted on buying as he used it when he was a child & that it is ‘the best’) & some other little objects like a kitchen sink strainer. It may not sound exciting for some people I’m sure, but for me this shop is heaven. Any product from here is a winner.


Food: many many happy mugs of Glühwein at the outdoor Christmas Markets (getting red cheeked from the alcohol & the cold), & sausage n’ bread rolls from stalls. We’ve been scoffing on Germknödeln with cherries & vanilla sauce, & Baumkuchen. Also bought two different types of Stollen to take home.


Anyway, I’ll be back in England on Monday & will be back at Broadway Market on this coming Saturday 23rd! Hope to see you there! Love, t xxx


  1. We had one of those ice trays. When you take the ice tray out of the freezer run it under a hot tap for a few seconds because if the ice is too frozen after a while the handle will get stress fractures and snap off.
    Regards. I’m off to France for a week on Saturday, but maybe I’ll swing by – if not – wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas.

    Comment by Barny - December 20, 2006 9:56 pm

  2. Hamburg sounds like an exciting city but shame about the weather:( It’s getter colder and colder here in Tokyo too. Have a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!

    Comment by Akiko - December 22, 2006 1:35 am

  3. Hi Barny! Great to hear from you! and thanks for the good tip! I would be devastated if I broke the handle! If I don’t get to see you before xmas, I wish you the very best for the festive season, enjoy your worthy break in France! What a wonderful year it’s been for you!

    And hey Akiko!!! Very happy & merry Xmas to you too, & wrap up warm! Love, t xx

    Comment by tamami - December 22, 2006 9:10 pm

  4. hi Tamani hope the market went well today,
    Hamburg sounds good, sorry haven’t been out and about this week, Alice and Katie have been under the weather. We are off to wales for a week but hopefully see you in the new year. before we move west.

    Nikki x
    ps have a nice xmas

    Comment by Nikki - December 23, 2006 8:11 pm

  5. Oh Nikki! Merry Chirstmas to you & family too! – I was thinking about you just a minute ago – as I was looking at that picture of Alice, my kiddo & Zeb that we have put up in our bathroom! – We haven’t met for a while it feels… Sorry to hear that both kids have been ill… Please phone me soon as you get back to Ldn, we’ll have to meet up asap & get to see you as often as pos before you move…

    Comment by tamami - December 23, 2006 10:28 pm


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